Friday 18 February 2011

There’s no better feeling than walking into an air conditioned building on a hot summer’s day.

There’s no better feeling than walking into an air conditioned building on a hot summer’s day. For this reason you will always find that air conditioned buildings are always more popular during warm weather as it enables people to feel more comfortable and provides people with a more comfortable environment to be in. There is more to it than this for businesses however, and these days it is no longer considered a luxury but a necessity for businesses to have air conditioning installed. So why is this and how does air conditioning work?

The term air conditioning can actually refer to any form of air cooling, heating, ventilation or disinfection that changes the condition of the air. However, the term air conditioning as it commonly used is the process of taking the warm air from a room which is then dehumidified and cooled via an air conditioning unit and pumped out as cool air until the room has reached the desired temperature. Air conditioning units can also be used to heat a room as well as cool it, and output cleaner air as a result of filters which take dust and impurities from the air.

Apart from the ability to apply climate control to a room and make conditions altogether more comfortable, there is overwhelming evidence that having air conditioning in the workplace increases worker productivity. This makes perfect sense if you think about it, how many of us just don’t feel like working if a room is too hot or too cold?

Scientific experiments have been performed on this very subject that show that above 22 degrees worker performance starts to drop, and then falls very sharply above 26 degrees. For this reason it is important for businesses to try and keep a constant temperature in the workplace and a temperature of around 20 degrees is thought to be the optimum in terms of worker performance.

In addition scientists have also proved that more accidents will occur in extreme temperatures and that mental performance drops sharply when it is too warm. It is also true that air conditioned shop, restaurant and bar will get more customers than their non air conditioned rivals. So you can see that introducing air conditioning into your workplace can not only keep your workers happy but also can have a positive effect on revenue too!

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