Thursday, 9 February 2012

The bonus about air conditioning heat pumps for small business is when they relocate.

Hard working heat pumps 
Being a small business means watching the pennies and making sure every purchase is going to be the most cost effective in the short term and long term. when a small business relocates it is sometimes necessary  to update the heating or cooling system before you relocate to your new building. A wet system can be expensive and is a fixed location option that can not be easily removed if you expand and want to relocate to a new office, factory etc.

Air conditioning heat pumps in split format can be an excellent long term solution for your business as it can be removed with limted fuss. When removing a split air conditioning heat pump the system comes with an indoor unit and a outdoor unit which is connected by flexible micro-bore pipe, condensate pipe and cable. This make it easy to relocate.

If your business has plans for relocation or expansion then it is defiantly worth considering as a option. With many split air conditioning heat pumps coming in at considerably lower prices to run than gas and direct electric the long term options are fantastic. We hope this helps you with your decision, please visit our split air conditioning heat pump website at 

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