In a world where resources are running out it is time to use energy efficient equipment like heat pumps, wind chargers and solar panels to reduce CO2. We are UK specialists in high efficiency air conditioning heat-pumps sales, service and installation. Air Conditioning Heat Pumps have risen to the challenge. We sell all types of high efficiency equipment including brands Fujitsu, LG and Daikin. Our website:
Thursday, 28 February 2013
We will be visiting the Canton Fair first phase 14 April to 19 April 2013
We will be visiting the Canton Fair first phase 14 April to 19 April 2013 and will be pleased to meet representatives who can supply us with wind turbines, solar and air heat pump technologies. I look forward to meeting you there. Thank you
Tuesday, 5 February 2013
More Persistent Online Fraudsters At Work In The Uk

Fraudsters are getting more bolder and seem more persistent than ever when it comes to trying to get goods through dishonest means. The old story with fraudsters is they will try to buy goods with credit cards they would procurer dishonestly and then have the goods delivered to a different address to that of the credit card. If a merchant was to ship to that address and had a charge-back from the credit card company then they would have to stomach the cost of the fraud. It was generally easy to tell the fraudster that the goods would not be shipped to another address without to much aggression. However times are changing and fraudsters are getting more bolshy in their approach.
Merchants have there own methods of dealing with fraud from fake companies such as checking a company email/website or company information on companies house etc, but a individual is almost impossible to verify if the goods are being delivered to another address to that on the card. That is why we as a organisation had to stop delivering for individuals who request other delivery addresses. If a client can pay by Bank Transfer, Google Wallet or Paypal then the merchant may be protected when delivering to a different address..
Fraudsters are now so bold that they will give you a lot of front to get their stolen goods. Recently fraudsters are reverting to old school cheque fraud where they put an order in with a supplier, say they will pay by bank transfer but actually put a fake cheque into the companies bank which by pure mistake is actually much more than the company quoted. The fraudster then asks for the extra money paid in to the bank and the goods after a week or so. If your bank is not vigilant and recognises that the cheque is fake then the fraudster will get the quoted goods and the extra funds they paid you by mistake. This fraud has been played out so many times yet recently it is coming back into to fashion which means that some banks are not picking up on it fast enough.
The other fraud coming back into fashion is the phoenix company. This is a company set-up with a short life span whose sole purpose is to extract as much credit out of companies before folding. They will be a good client for a short time before the final sting after a big order where they fold or move premises. Other company type fraud is fake purchase orders from a legitimate company. A recent fraudster made a completely fake company purchase order and sent it through on a fake e-mail address to a supplier that the fraudster knows the victim company has a account with. The intention was to pick the goods up from the supplier not have it delivered. This type of crime has a sophistication that takes organisational expertise or in depth knowledge of how companies operate. My impression is that these guys are making a lot of money otherwise they would not be doggedly persistent with this fraud. The fraudster is free to continue their work unimpeded by the banks or the police who simply arnt interested as they do not pick up the bill the merchant does. Credit card fraud is big money without any comeback, a easy crime to get away with for the smart criminal.
With internet retailing getting harder to keep up with, it is worth bearing in mind that pitfalls await merchants that don't keep their eye on the ball. It is easy for a new internet retailer or a company hungry for new internet business to become a victim. In my experience the key is not to get to greedy for the deal that sounds to good to be true from a client that needs it NOW, NOw Now. Because it usually is!!!!!!!
I hope this helps someone before they become a victim. Thanks for reading.
Monday, 4 February 2013
How To Get The Most Out Of Your Dehumidifier
Dehumidifiers And Their Uses:
Generally dehumidifiers are very simple machine to
use when you have a excess of moister in the ambient air. The excess moister in
the air around you causes condensation, mould and a general damp feeling so in
many cases this needs to be controlled. Dehumidifiers are mostly used for
controlling home humidity issues, damp work environments, building sites,
flood damage and industrial applications. With a specially designed purpose it
is important to make the right choice to get the best out of the dehumidifier.
How A Dehumidifier Works:
Moister in the air is drawn into the dehumidifier
by a intake fan and is passed though a filter to clean the air and then over a
cold coil which collects and condenses the excess moisture in the air into
water. The air is blown back into the room filtered, dryer and warmer as
it passes through the extract warm coil. The excess water is collected
inside the dehumidifiers internal container or continuously drained if
required. For low temperature application such as a building project in the
winter it is best looking at the temperature limitations for each
Desiccant Dehumidifiers:
Desiccant dehumidifiers are great for low
temperature applications but due to the sensitivity of the technology it is not
made in a robust form for use on building sites but mainly for domestic and
scientific use. Desiccant dehumidifiers main use is for home use where a room
is damp or caravans in the winter where a low power alternative to heating a
room to remove humidity is required. The technology has become cheaper over
time and is used by many dehumidifier home users looking for a budget way of
controlling moister.
Domestic Dehumidifiers:
Suitable for houses,
office and light commercial applications these types of dehumidifiers can be
used to keep condensation off your windows, drying washing, small swimming pool
areas and light building work at a fraction of the cost of heating a area.
Commercial, Industrial And Building Dehumidifiers:
Designed to be an extremely tough units for the
most demanding environments. It has a nominal maximum extraction figure
shown in litres/day. Designed primarily for the building, military,
industry, fire and flood markets there performance and robustness ensures popularity. Standard outlet
of a 14mm stub for hose connection or continuous drain applications.
Koolbreeze Arizona 55l Dehumidifier 55 Litres per day |
Call: +44(0)845 5677080E-mail:
Friday, 1 February 2013
O assento de incandescência Cubo Multi-Colorido / Tabela com controle remoto é ideal para adicionar um efeito de iluminação artística e única para áreas interiores e exteriores. O cubo pode ser definido em uma única cor ou prestes a mudar a cada poucos segundos para adicionar um humor indivíduo a uma área. Isso faz com que um grande efeito e perceptível para churrasco, boates, bares e restaurantes. O Cubo Multi-Colorido incandescência Seat / Tabela é fabricado a partir de plástico ABS difíceis inquebrável e é recarregável através de uma fácil sistema de acoplamento magnético correção na base da operação caixa de fio permitindo livre para até 12 horas de uso contínuo ou enquanto conectado polegadas A controlo remoto oferece uma variedade de selecção de cor fixa, mudar de cor depois de um tempo definido e funções dimmer a uma distância de 10 metros.
Principais Características do produto
• Para uso interno e externo com carregador de baixa tensão
• Splash e inquebrável
• 400 milímetros x 400mm x 40mm
• Cor fixo ou mudança de cor
• Selecção de velocidade e brilho seleção
• Até 16.000 cores
• Controle cudes múltiplos com um controle remoto
• 3 configurações de luz baixa, média e alta
• Duração da bateria: 12hrs baixo, 10hrs médios, altos 8 horas
• O tempo de carga: 6 horas
• Li Polymer 3.7V, 1750mAh
• Entrada AC 110-220V, 50-60Hz
• Saída DC 5V
• O uso IP 65 exterior
1 x Cubo de incandescência
1 x Controle Remoto
1 x adaptador de alimentação
1 x Manual de Instruções
El Glowing Multicolor Asiento Cube / Tabla con mando a distancia es ideal para añadir un efecto de iluminación artística y única para las áreas interiores y exteriores. El cubo se puede establecer en un solo color o listo para cambiar cada pocos segundos para agregar una persona a un estado de ánimo zona. Esto hace un gran efecto y sensible para la barbacoa, Clubes Nocturnos, Bares y Restaurantes. El Glowing Multi-color cubo Seat / Tabla se fabrica con plástico ABS resistente irrompible y se puede recargar a través de un sistema de acoplamiento fácil solución magnética en la base de la caja de cables que permite el funcionamiento libre de hasta 12 horas de uso continuo o mientras enchufado el mando a distancia ofrece una amplia selección de colores fijos, cambian de color después de un tiempo establecido y las funciones de dimmer a una distancia de 10 metros.
Características principales del producto
• Para el uso de interior y al aire libre con cargador de bajo voltaje
• Splash y irrompible
• 400mm x 400mm x 40mm
• color fijo o cambio de color
• Selección de la velocidad y brillo selección
• Hasta 16.000 colores
• Controlar CUDES múltiples con un solo control remoto
• 3 ajustes de luz baja, media y alta
• Duración de la batería: 12 horas baja, 10 horas promedio, los altos 8 horas
• Tiempo de carga: 6 horas
• Batería de polímero de litio de 3,7 V, 1750mAh
• Entrada AC 110-220V, 50-60Hz
• Salida DC 5V
• IP 65 el uso al aire libre
1 x Cubo que brilla intensamente
1 x Mando a distancia
1 x Adaptador de corriente
1 x Manual de instrucciones
Le siège Cube Glowing multicolore / Table avec télécommande est idéal pour ajouter un effet d'éclairage artistique et unique pour l'intérieur et l'extérieur. Le cube peut être réglé sur une seule couleur ou en train de changer toutes les quelques secondes pour ajouter une ambiance individuelle à une zone. Ce qui fait un grand effet et remarquée pour barbecue, les boîtes de nuit, bars et restaurants. Le Glowing multicolore Cube siège / table est fabriqué à partir de plastique Tough ABS incassable et est rechargeable si un système de couplage solution facile magnétique sur la base de l'opération de boîte permettant fil gratuit pour jusqu'à 12 heures d'utilisation continue ou lorsqu'il est branché po L'télécommande offre une variété de choix de couleur fixe, change de couleur après un temps défini et les fonctions des gradateurs à une distance de 10 mètres.
Principales Caractéristiques du produit
• Pour une utilisation intérieure et extérieure avec chargeur basse tension
• Splash et incassable
• 400mm x 400mm x 40mm
• Couleur fixe ou changement de couleur
• Sélection de la vitesse et de la luminosité sélection
• jusqu'à 16000 couleurs
• Contrôler cudes multiples avec une seule télécommande
• 3 réglages de lumière faible, moyenne et haute
• Autonomie de la batterie: 12 heures à faible, moyenne 10 heures, 8 heures de grande
• Temps de charge: 6 heures
• Li-Polymère batterie de 3.7V, 1750mAh
• Entrée AC 110-220V, 50-60Hz
• Sortie DC 5V
• IP 65 Utilisation en extérieur
1 x Cube Glowing
1 x Télécommande
1 Adaptateur secteur x
1 Mode d'emploi x
Glowing MULTI-KOLOR SEAT CUBE lub tabela z pilotem
Glowing MULTI-KOLOR SEAT CUBE lub tabela z pilotem
Multi-Coloured Glowing Seat Cube / Tabela z pilotem jest idealny dla dodając artystyczne i niepowtarzalne efekty świetlne w wewnątrz i na zewnątrz.Kostki można ustawić na jeden kolor lub się zmienić, co kilka sekund, aby dodać indywidualny nastrój w okolicy. To sprawia, że wielkie i zauważalny efekt dla, grill w klubach nocnych, barów i restauracji.Multi-Coloured Glowing Cube Seat / Tabela wykonana jest z twardych tworzyw sztucznych ABS shatter próbny i jest zasilanie choć łatwo naprawić systemu sprzęgła magnetycznego na dnie pudełka pozwalające drutu pracy przez okres do 12 godzin pracy ciągłej lub gdy podłączony pilot oferuje różnorodne Naprawiono wybór kolorów, zmienia kolor po ustalonym czasie i funkcji ściemniania w odległości 10 metrów.
Najważniejsze cechy produktu
• Do wewnątrz i na zewnątrz z niskim napięciem ładowania
• Splash i shatter dowód
• 400mm x 400mm x 40mm
• Stały kolor lub zmiana koloru
• wybór prędkości i jasności wybór
• do 16000 kolorów
• Sterowanie wieloma cudes z jednego pilota
• 3 świetlne ustawienia niskie, średnie i wysokie
• Żywotność baterii: niski 12hrs, średnie 10 godzin, wysokie 8 godz
• Czas ładowania: 6 godzin
• Li Polymer 3.7V, 1750mAh
• Wejście AC 110-220V, 50-60Hz
• Wyjście DC 5V
• IP 65 Zastosowanie na zewnątrz
1 x Glowing Cube
1 x pilot zdalnego sterowania
1 x Zasilacz sieciowy
1 x Instrukcja obsługi
The Glowing Multi-Coloured Cube Seat/Table With Remote Control is ideal for adding a artistic and unique lighting effects for indoor and outdoor areas. The cube can be set on a single colour or set to change every few seconds to add a individual mood to a area. This makes a great and noticeable effect for BBQ's, Night Clubs, Bars and Restaurants. The Glowing Multi-Coloured Cube Seat/Table is manufactured from tough ABS shatter proof plastic and is rechargeable though a easy fix magnetic coupling system on the base of the box allowing wire free operation for up to 12 hours or continuous use while plugged in. The remote control offers a variety of fixed colour selection, change colour after a set time and dimmer functions at a distance of 10 meters.
Key Product Features
• For Indoor and outdoor use with low voltage charger
• Splash and shatter proof
• 400mm x 400mm x 40mm
• Fixed colour or colour change
• Speed selection & brightness selection
• Up to 16000 colours
• Control multiple cudes with one remote control
• 3 light settings low, average and high
• Battery life: low 12hrs, average 10hrs, high 8 hrs
• Charge time: 6 hrs
• Li Polymer battery 3.7V, 1750mAh
• AC input 110-220V, 50-60Hz
• Output DC 5V
• IP 65 Outdoor use
• Splash and shatter proof
• 400mm x 400mm x 40mm
• Fixed colour or colour change
• Speed selection & brightness selection
• Up to 16000 colours
• Control multiple cudes with one remote control
• 3 light settings low, average and high
• Battery life: low 12hrs, average 10hrs, high 8 hrs
• Charge time: 6 hrs
• Li Polymer battery 3.7V, 1750mAh
• AC input 110-220V, 50-60Hz
• Output DC 5V
• IP 65 Outdoor use
1 x Glowing Cube
1 x Remote Control
1 x Power Adaptor
1 x Instruction Manual
1 x Remote Control
1 x Power Adaptor
1 x Instruction Manual
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